Liqwid Labs: Technical Status Report #43

Liqwid Status Update: November 13, 2021

Fund5 Progress:

  • Devs are working on UTXO specs & implementation of using the distributed map design for the Governance’s storage of Markets, as well as designing how this will apply to LQ Staking as currently implemented.

  • Insertion transaction for market list implemented, devs now adding all the important validation rules and rewiring all the references to old in-datum list, specifically QueryMarketFor will need to use this as reference now. Once this is finished we’ll be able to traverse the markets on-chain correctly for reward% calculation/distribution.

  • Devs completed the OpenAPI ToSchema Issue, after encountering some Nix + MacOS issues causing segfaults. Finishing up fixing the errors blocking the current open PR before picking up tasks related to evaluating the current scope of the QuickCheck model.

  • Devs have a PR to be merged cleaning up some parts of the QuickCheck model tests according to the Liqwid style guide.

  • Liqwid X Devs continue making more progress on the Validator tests. This resulted in further analysis with the dev team on the correct use of the MarketState type, which will result in some changes. Devs will finish up with Validator tests early next week and move on to Property testing, including starting a QuickCheck model suite for LiqwidX.

  • Devs continue work on Liqwid specs refactoring (determining the ideal separation of scripts up-front) and designing the UTXO contention system.

  • Liqwid UTXO spec for Market with Escrow Batching system is in draft review, devs also figured out a sufficient style for UTXO specs. Devs will continue work next week to get the Datums + Scripts exactly set in stone but the concept that can be iterated on is set in place. Devs have begun refactoring the Liqwid market contract codebase to start implementing this new design.

  • Devs continuing to make progress on the LiqwidX Governance skeleton, there is a WIP PR up that is most of the way towards being ready to merge, awaiting addition of PAB endpoints. From here devs will continue on Governance, focusing on getting particular features complete - starting with LQX Staking. Devs will review the PR next week, and merge when ready.

  • Devs have continued work on specs + research for the LiqwidX fees model, as well as some code work on integrating the plutus-laws testing framework. This will be finished soon. From here, devs will pick up some more parts of the LiqwidX spec to explore - relating what code we have currently with the features we need/want following some of the core team’s discussions on protocol economics as of late.

  • Devs have finished the Liqwid PriceOracleValidator testing for multiple oracle updates, fixing open issue #421, fixed the Hoogle setup we have as per issue #426, and removed Var err from the codebase. Devs next task is migration of liqwid-contracts to plutus-numeric, then additional query endpoint functionality.

  • Devs have been working on the fees model for LiqwidX, as well as some cleanups. Additionally, he’s been involved in understanding the limitations of Plutus and the UTXO endpoint spec effort. His next tasks are improving the MarketValue issues that devs pointed out, as well as finalizing the fees model design and specification.

  • Devs have made several additional sub-libraries, including plutus-laws, as well as a small addition to tasty-plutus for basic script size testing. He’s also sent some ‘wire-in’ PRs for various of these to both liqwid-contracts and liqwidx-contracts, though some are still outstanding. Devs next work is mostly review, as there are several major PRs to plutus-extra the repo currently blocking some future work. Devs will also continue analyzing better methods to script test and complete stage 1 script testing.

  • Current Liqwid GitHub project Kanban board: