Liqwid Labs: Technical Status Report #42

Liqwid Status Update: November 06, 2021

Fund5 Progress:

  • Devs continued work on the technical spec and coordinating with the founding team wrt implementation details for LiqwidX. Devs plan to continue to do spec work plus small LiqwidX debugging.

  • Devs finished repairing the issues found with the price oracle validator, as well as finishing tests involving one oracle update. Devs next worked on tests for multiple oracle updates, and resolved an oracle issue.

  • Devs have been working on plutus-extra the repo, mainly on feature requests and plutus-golden. Now that plutus-golden has been released, devs made a PR to liqwidx-contracts to use it. Next stage is plutus-laws (which is nearly done), as well as addressing feedback for the liqwidx-contracts PR and sending a similar PR to liqwid-contracts.

  • Continued work with Market technical + endpoint specs from the perspective of the UTXO contention design.

  • PR up on liqwidx-specs with some governance technical-design, pending some review and questions to address. Devs will follow up with a review of the PR.

  • Devs working on porting over a skeleton structure of the Governance codebase from Liqwid → LiqwidX. Some tentative progress exists on a branch of liqwidx-contracts - some of this will be revised pending some learning + re-evaluation. Working towards a draft PR to be reviewed with progress so far.

  • Devs continue working on governance specs, thinking about the utxo-design of the Governance script’s SupportedMarkets, which is moving towards a distributed-map design. Also evaluating the generic governance specs, and thinking about a general model of Proposal effects which can be applied to Liqwid + LiqwidX.

  • PR Up on the ToSchema API change, needs to merge changes from current staging with the Oracle-related fix mentioned above.

  • Devs continue working on Liqwid endpoint specs with a related implementation task.

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