Liqwid Governance Forum Rules

Welcome to the Liqwid Governance Forum, a community-led forum dedicated to discussions on the Liqwid protocol’s governance proposals, systems, processes and standards. This is a safe (and hopefully lively) space to share interesting ideas and get community feedback for any new concepts or proposals that you may have.

Relevant topics include:

  • Idea Discussions
  • Proposal Discussions
  • New Market Discussions
  • Delegation Discussions
  • Meta Governance Discussions

This is not the place for:

  • LQ price discussion
  • General Liqwid discussion
  • Liqwid technical support requests
  • Off-topic or non-Liqwid related discussion

If you need technical support, or want to join a public space for more general discussion, please visit the official Liqwid Discord.

If the moderators notice your signal-to-noise ratio gets too low, you will be banned from this forum. Focus on quality governance discussion and stay true to the culture of respect and objective data reporting the Liqwid community has cultivated.

Moderators will not tolerate any insults, offensive language, racism, harassment or threats against community members. In addition to offensive posts, moderators will remove posts that are asking for LQ, or are non-Liqwid related topics.