ADA, DJED and IUSD Markets UX Improvements

This is a proposal for improving the end user experience for users completing market actions in the ADA, DJED and IUSD markets by decreasing the market UTxOs to 4 and setting the batching time to 1 hour.

Proposal Reasoning:
Currently the frequent 15 minute batching time causes delays and blocks access to Liqwid’s largest markets by users attempting to complete market actions.

The 8 market UTxOs also causes pain points for users attempting to complete larger transactions in these markets.

Solution to these pain points is to update ADA, DJED and IUSD markets with reduced batching frequency (less batching) and reduced market UTxOs (larger market action sizes per transaction).

Risk Considerations:
The technical risks of this change has been mitigated through comprehensive testing of the proposed batching time and market UTxO changes. These changes have already been implemented on mainnet for multiple Liqwid markets.

Proposal Specification:
If passed the ADA, DJED and IUSD markets will all have the following 2 changes implemented:

  1. Batching time will be increased from every 15 minutes to once an hour.
  2. Market UTxOs wil be reduced from 8 to 4.

Liqwid Labs core team recommends the adoption of this proposal to update the ADA, DJED and IUSD markets to 1 hour batch times and 4 market UTxOs to bring about improved end user experiences when interacting with these markets.

Do you support these proposed changes to the ADA, DJED and IUSD markets?

  • Yes, I support these proposed updates to the ADA, DJED and IUSD Markets
  • No, I do not support these proposed updates to the ADA, DJED and IUSD Markets
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