3 Proposals to improve LQ becoming a better value token

I believe you area onto the formula for consensus.

This is a great start and would help  the analysis of the LQ emissions be studied more. We Could use the 3-month cliff proposed by @FlorianVolery as the window( reduce to 5% by July 1st). This means turning off the User Distribution ASAP. It is worth noting that there are **three ** different LQ Staking emission models(by Johnny Sachs, @nufnuf , and @ConkeyKong ) that all project that by September-November(depending on model), LQ stake emissions will be 100k larger than the present day, or roughly 140k a month. Zooming out from the present day, we can see that this conversation is inevitable to avoid and would be best to solve today versus putting it off another 3-6 months. Meaning that in a few months Staking emissions will be greater than the User Distribution reductions. This is where the CAP systems or max amount per month with time-weighted distributions described by @Khelben. @TNT1 @JakeMN all have considerable merit to explore more. Or the proposal from @itzDanny( with a high favor of yes votes) with a max cap of monthly emissions.

Ultimately, if we as a community believe that Point 1 reduction(80%+ in favor) will help with the goal of stability in price, protocol, community, and safety model, then we should take a similar approach to the Staking rewards emitted and that should lead us to a conclusion that a reduction of some magnitude must occur sooner rather than later.

  1. Reduce deposit rewards immediately to 25% of the current one (nullifying rewards to ADA borrowers)

  2. Analyze the price of LQ with these changes + everything that the launch of V2 entails and within 3 months make a decision to maintain or quantitatively limit the maximum staking LQ released per month keeping intact the x1/x6/x10 boost relative to age x1/x6/x12 months

  3. Introduction of x1/x6/x10 boost to ADA rewards along with the reduction, if applicable, of the maximum staking rewards released per month

  4. Promote Aquafarmers NFTs

  5. Better measure proposals for the future

Launch V2

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Edit of the original proposal (16.04.2024):

After careful consideration, it’s evident that the 10x/6x/1x ratio is overly large and could deter new participants, despite it being the primary incentive to purchase LQ tokens for passive income. Therefore, it is modified to 5x/3x/1x.

Additionally, an end date of December 31, 2024, has been introduced for this feature. The DAO can subsequently vote on whether to implement a new mechanism, but the “early joiners” staking boost cannot be sustained indefinitely.

New proposal text about the staking boost:

From July 1st, 2024, to December 31, 2024, all stakes that are older than 6 months but less than 1 year will qualify for a 3x boost. Additionally, all stakes older than 1 year will qualify for a 5x boost on the total amount of LQ stakes considered for the allocation of programmatic distribution during this period. Stakes below a 6 month duration will have no additional boost.

All programmatic rewards will be distributed on a monthly basis. As of December 5, 2023, this distribution is exclusively in ADA, as determined by a vote.

Commencing January 1, 2025, all wallets staking LQ will be treated equally, without discrimination. Each wallet will receive a standard 1x reward, and the eligibility for boosts will cease. This date marks the discontinuation of various reward programs designed to incentivize early investors in Liqwid. It is worth noting that any additional programs can be subject to future votes.

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